
Plenary Speakers

  • Plenary 1: Prof. Jyh-Wei LEE (Research of high entropy alloy coatings for sustainable development goals

  • Plenary 2: Prof. Magdaleno R. VASQUEZ, Jr. (Plasma-Material Interactions Research in the Philippines: Quest for Scientific Progress)

  • Plenary 3: Prof. Motoi WADA (Plasma Surface Interaction in a Cs Loaded Negative Hydrogen Ion Source)

  • Plenary 4: Dr. Karel PABELIÑA (Trends in Plasma Research and Technology in the Philippines: A Patent Landscape Analysis) 

Invited Speakers

  • Dr. Juan Paolo BERMUNDO (Atomic layer deposition and plasma technology for high performance amorphous oxide semiconductor thin-film transistors)

  • Dr. Theresa DE LEON (Title)

  • Prof. Hiroshi HASHIZUME (Increase of yield and quality with cold plasma treatment during crop cultivation)

  • Dr. Renato DACLAN (Synthesis, Characterization and Corrosion of TiMoN via RF Balance Magnetron Sputtering)

  • Dr. James Edward HERNANDEZ II (Hydrogen radical production from laser produced plasmas emitting extreme ultraviolet light)

  • Dr. Lean DASALLAS (Low energy femtosecond pulsed laser deposition of NdYAG and BSCCO: Effect of background gas in the stoichiometry)

  • Dr. Giovanni MALAPIT (Title)

  • Dr. Shinya AIKAWA (Toward CO2 sensors based on In2O3 thin-film transistors)

  • Dr. Eden DELA PEÑA (Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of AA6061 using Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation)

  • Prof. Mamiko SASAO (Dynamics of Material Surface Changes due to Hydrogen Plasma Exposure)

  • Dr. Kenta DOI (Dry etching of polymer materials for advanced semiconductor packaging)

  • Prof. Tomohiro YAMAGUCHI  (In Situ Observation Using Synchrotron XRD-RSM in RF-MBE Growth of GaInN/GaN Inserting LT-GaInN Buffer Layer)

  • Dr. Jennet RABO (Title)

  • Dr. Pierre VINCHON (Plasma-surface interactions examined with monolayer graphene: case study of very-low-energy ions)

  • Dr. Alexander MENDENILLA (Title)

  • Dr. MIchelle VILLAMAYOR (Low-cost plasma sources: Establishing a Plasma Research Laboratory at Central Mindanao University)

  • Dr. Yasunori TANIMOTO (TiZrV non-evaporable getter coating for ultra-high vacuum systems)


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